Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Second Blog

Sometimes I wake up at like 3 AM and my mind is just going on a lesson I wanna teach, a sermon I wanna preach, an article I wanna write, or just some kind of randomness that God is putting on my brain or in my heart. I don't know why God wants to wake me up then but it's a cool kinda cruel when He does :)

Some random randomness:
*I think people who wear jeans and flip flops to church are dressed more like Jesus than those in a three piece suit
*What do you do when someone comes out of the bathroom and you know they didn't wash their hands and then reach out to shake yours? Cause that happened to me today :( Why didn't I pick my nose or scratch something and then extend my hand back?? Hindsight is so 20/20.
*People are so scared of change...what scares me is everything staying the same
*I hate that alcohol has become such an accepted norm for so many Christians. I have never seen than stuff do anything but destroy.
*I got a netflix disc today that let's you watch movies and TV on the Wii!! But my Wii is broke so I gotta send it to the repair shop. Who knew there was such a place :) Or that I could watch actual TV shows through my Wii on my TV!!
*What I just wrote makes me think we might just have a little too much technology today.
*I need to figure out how to put my Edward Jones picture on my blog!! I need to be seen not just heard.

There used to be a lunch lady at West-Oak and she was kinda lazy so I'd keep a 5 dollar bill in my wallet and every so often I'd go and just purchase a chocolate milk which cost a quarter and she wouldn't wanna make change so she always gave it to me for free. Maybe she was just nice, but I really think it was lazy.


  1. I like the 5 dollar scam, wished I would have thought of it back then. Keith sometimes I share my "off the beaten path" thoughts on my blog too. It gets it off my mind. And I know all about the 3 AM wake up call so I keep a note book by my bed. Keep writing.
    Shalom bro.

  2. This made me giggle because you have on a suit in your picture. :-)
